Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Blessed Mother speaks in the entrance hall of the pilgrims' home in Heroldsbach as a farewell through Her child Anne.


Now Our Lady says: My beloved children, how much I love you in this place. How much I immerse your hearts in My loving heart. There is love. And nothing greater can be important for you than to receive this love and to transmit it.

Many people are waiting for you, for this grace that you have received here. Oversized graces have flowed at my place in the hollow, abundant graces. Take them with you on your way to your home, to the place where you can impart these graces. Already through your encounters with other people this great grace is passed on. Their hearts are touched without you feeling it. Always remember that heaven works in you. It is not you yourselves who have to mediate something, heaven mediates.

You are the blessed ones. Become aware that you are children of Mary. And I am allowed to lead and guide these children of Mary. Become like wax in my hands, then I can safely lead you to the Father. The Father will take you into His arms. He will be grateful for all the children who obey Him in His plan.

Dearest Mother, thank you for these words you have given us again on our way home. We thank you for being the Queen of Roses here in this place. Several times you have sprinkled roses. I have seen them and may pass it on that they were in different colors and all of them smelled. They are abundant graces that you impart to us. Thank you for your love, which you give us again and again, because the Divine Love remains in our hearts.

And so the dearest Mother of God, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach blesses us: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be loved, praised and adored without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Amen. Mary dear with the child, give us all Your blessing. Amen.


